Course Syllabus
Course Description:
Advanced topics in calculus, including vectors and vector-valued functions, partial differentiation, Lagrange multipliers, multiple integrals, and Jacobians; application of the line integral, including Green's Theorem, the Divergence Theorem, and Stokes' Theorem.
Graphing calculator required. Lab included. Prerequisite: MATH 2414. 4 credit hours. (A)
Mathematics is the language of science and Calculus has been one of the most useful dialects with regards to exploring the moving world around us. In your previous calculus course(s) you explored basic underlying structures of calculus with only one independent variable. In this course you will extend the ideas previously developed to two or more independent variables. In particular, we will study vectors and vector-valued functions, partial differentiation, Lagrange Multipliers, multiple integration and Jacobians; and application of the line integral, including Green’s Theorem, the Divergence Theorem, and Stoke’s theorem.
Though this is an online course, it is not a self-paced class. It is imperative that you stay up to date with the material and due dates. If this were a face-to-face course, we would be meeting at least four days a week for four hours each day. As a general rule of thumb, students that are successful in a upper level math course spend two to three hours studying outside of class for every hour spent in class. By that arithmetic, you can expect to spend as much as 64 hours a week on average for this course. With that in mind, you are highly discouraged from enrolling in any other courses this semester and if you must work, that you keep it to part-time.
Class Outcome
By the end of the semester you should expect to have made significant progress in mastering
- reading and comprehending mathematical literature;
- constructing clear and coherent verbal and written mathematical arguments;
- solving both familiar and unfamiliar problems independently;
- communicating effectively both to and with peers.
If I am going to hold you to such high expectations, then I must hold myself to even higher standards. My responsibilities to you are:
- a safe and friendly learning environment;
- guidance and direction;
- availability to discuss anything and everything (even if on the surface it seems unrelated to the class and your role in it);
- assistance in mastering the concepts in the course as well as the above listed items.
Proctored Exams
One mid-term and one final exam will be given semester. These will be taken online and proctored using Honor Lock.
All homework will be completed on-line through Knewton Alta, an on-line homework portal that will help you achieve mastery of the material covered in this course. Each Assignment in Knewton Alta covers a set of Learning Objectives which you must master in order to complete the Assignment. As you work through Assignments, Knewton Alta gains an understanding of your learning strengths and current knowledge. This information is used to recommend the most effective assessment items and instructional content that will help you achieve your learning goals.
Knewton Alta Assignments are due no later than the posted due-date (which can be found on Canvas and within Knewton Alta), there will be no exceptions. To enroll in Knewton Alta, simply follow the link in Canvas. You will not need an access code.
Other Online Activities
- Several online graded discussions will be posted throughout the semester. These will vary in theme and style, but you are expected to participate in all discussions by both posting your own comments and views and commenting on your fellow classmates postings.
- Several group activities will be assigned throughout the semester. These activities will require significant logical reasoning, application of the mathematical ideas covered in the course, as well as sound written arguments. Your group will be established on the first day of class.
Great news: your textbook for this class is available for free online!
Calculus, Volume 3 from OpenStax, ISBN 1-947172-16-6
You have several options to obtain this book:
- View online (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
- Download a PDF (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
You can use whichever formats you want. Web view is recommended -- the responsive design works seamlessly on any device.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |