What are we learning this week?
This week we will cover:
1) Personality and the Psychodynamic Perspective ~ this means it's time for Fraud! Ah I mean Freud! ;)
(I don't actually think Freud is a fraud!)
What are the realms and structures of the psyche according to Freud?
What are the main messages behind this theory?
Which structure should be in control?
What does the dynamic relationship between the structures of a psychopath's psyche look like?
What are defense mechanisms?
Tips and Tricks!
Vergessen Sie nicht das deutsche original!
(Don't forget the original German!)
Course Learning Outcomes addressed:
Describe the historical influences and early schools of thought that shaped the field of psychology. (Critical Thinking)
Describe some of the prominent perspectives and approaches used in the study of psychology.
Use terminology unique to the study of psychology. (Communication Skills)
Describe accepted approaches and standards in psychological assessment and evaluation. (Social Responsibility)
Identify factors in physiological and psychological processes involved in human behavior.