Get Help with the Course or Canvas
Canvas Help
If you need help Links to an external site. using Canvas you can always refer to the pages in this Orientation Module, and the various links to guides throughout. You can also click the Help button at the bottom of the Global Navigation menu and choose "Search the Canvas Guides" to locate a solution. In addition, you can access the complete Canvas Student Guide Links to an external site..
If you feel Canvas is misbehaving, you can easily report a problem by clicking the Help link in the top right corner and choosing Report a Problem. It is best to do this while on the webpage where the problem is occurring. You can also contact your instructor through Canvas Mail.
Help with Assignments or Activities
If you need help with an assignment or activity or have a questions, always refer to the Syllabus first before contacting the instructor.
You can usually find most answers about grades, due dates, late assignments and other course policies in the Syllabus.