The KSA Meeting

Meeting Prep

At Least One Week in Advance

Convert Pro forma List to a Voting Form

  • Ensure you are satisfied with the KSAs pro forma prior to changing it into a linked form / sheet (changes often require starting over)
  • Convert the spreadsheet to KSA voting form / sheet for upcoming KSA meeting
  • Have staff members vote to test the form (their votes can be removed)


  • Ensure a non-biased facilitator can be there for KSA meetings
  • Invite employers once the date is set
  • Remember - this meeting is longer; approximately 2-2.5 hours
  • TIP: 50% of your "yes" RSVPs will not show up 

On-Site and Hybrid Meeting Logistics

  • Hybrid meetings are the preferred option.
  • Verify audio visual capability
    • Screen(s)
    • Sound system, including microphones
    • Conference phone
    • Wireless internet access
  • Room setup with employers in U-shape
  • Catering or at least coffee and water
  • Convenient location for those who will be face-to-face
  • Ensure attendees have devices compatible for electronic voting

KSA Meeting Flow and Agenda

  1. Welcome from program lead as well as their supervisors
  2. Self-introductions of all in the room and on web hosting
  3. Brief explanation of BILT approach and how to vote
  4. The voting link and expected time allowed
  5. Discussion (the bulk of the meeting - be sure to ask employers for items to be added to the KSA list)
  6. Q & A
  7. Discuss next steps on faculty cross-reference
  8. Schedule next meeting to provide feedback to BILT
  9. Adjournment (on time, even if you are not through)


  • Send a calendar invitation with meeting details via email
  • Include:
    • WIIFM (value proposition)
    • Whether or not there will be food
    • Whether the meeting will be face-to-face, virtual, or both (suggest both)
    • Whether or not they need to bring a laptop or tablet for voting, if on-site

Timeline for Invitation Follow-Up

  • Phone those who have not responded about one week after invitation is sent to talk with them and ask them to attend.
  • One week in advance of KSA meeting, and again one day in advance, email a reminder to all (except those who have declined) with:
    • Agenda
    • Meeting connection info (if supporting hybrid)
    • Map and parking instructions
  • Include:
    • WIIFM (value proposition)
    • Whether or not there will be food
    • Whether the meeting will be face-to-face, virtual, or both (suggest both)
    • Whether or not they need to bring a laptop or tablet for voting if on site