The KSA Meeting
Meeting Prep
At Least One Week in Advance
Convert Pro forma List to a Voting Form
- Ensure you are satisfied with the KSAs pro forma prior to changing it into a linked form / sheet (changes often require starting over)
- Convert the spreadsheet to KSA voting form / sheet for upcoming KSA meeting
- Have staff members vote to test the form (their votes can be removed)
- Ensure a non-biased facilitator can be there for KSA meetings
- Invite employers once the date is set
- Remember - this meeting is longer; approximately 2-2.5 hours
- TIP: 50% of your "yes" RSVPs will not show up
On-Site and Hybrid Meeting Logistics
- Hybrid meetings are the preferred option.
- Verify audio visual capability
- Screen(s)
- Sound system, including microphones
- Conference phone
- Wireless internet access
- Room setup with employers in U-shape
- Catering or at least coffee and water
- Convenient location for those who will be face-to-face
- Ensure attendees have devices compatible for electronic voting
KSA Meeting Flow and Agenda
- Welcome from program lead as well as their supervisors
- Self-introductions of all in the room and on web hosting
- Brief explanation of BILT approach and how to vote
- The voting link and expected time allowed
- Discussion (the bulk of the meeting - be sure to ask employers for items to be added to the KSA list)
- Q & A
- Discuss next steps on faculty cross-reference
- Schedule next meeting to provide feedback to BILT
- Adjournment (on time, even if you are not through)
- Send a calendar invitation with meeting details via email
- Include:
- WIIFM (value proposition)
- Whether or not there will be food
- Whether the meeting will be face-to-face, virtual, or both (suggest both)
- Whether or not they need to bring a laptop or tablet for voting, if on-site
Timeline for Invitation Follow-Up
- Phone those who have not responded about one week after invitation is sent to talk with them and ask them to attend.
- One week in advance of KSA meeting, and again one day in advance, email a reminder to all (except those who have declined) with:
- Agenda
- Meeting connection info (if supporting hybrid)
- Map and parking instructions
- Include:
- WIIFM (value proposition)
- Whether or not there will be food
- Whether the meeting will be face-to-face, virtual, or both (suggest both)
- Whether or not they need to bring a laptop or tablet for voting if on site