BILT Elements
Employers report they are more likely to hire graduates from programs for which they have curricular leadership responsibility.
Employers report they will assume this role (and more) if:
- Their time is respected;
- There is a method for ensuring their input is consistently and seriously considered by faculty members;
- They consistently receive feedback on their recommendations.
BILT Roots
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Center of Excellence in Convergence Technology
- Based at Collin College (TX) [2012 - 2023] with Regional Center prior to the national
- Established BILT model through work with business leaders from across the nation to determine the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities that "workforce ready" graduates will need
- Model implemented at more than 100 colleges and projects in multiple disciplines
- US DOL and ED recognize BILT as leading model for strategic employer engagement
- Pathways to Innovation NSF project was launched BILT Academy to scale the model
The Ideal BILT
- CO-LEADS the program – more input means greater sense of ownership.
- IDENTIFIES entry-level KSAs and helps steer curriculum to their needs.
- SHARES sector trends and forecasts labor market demand.
- DEVELOPS invested relationships with colleges preparing their future employees.
- HELPS deliver “workforce-ready” graduates.
The BILT Meeting Cycle
- Building and maintaining a thriving BILT is a high-touch activity with frequent two-way communication.
- Know your BILT members "WIIFM" - what's in it for me?
- Emphasis on growing pipeline of right-skilled job candidates.
- Annual KSA analysis meeting (initial and annually, single 2-2.5 hour meeting).
- Industry Trends/Feedback meetings are held 2-3 times per year via web-meeting software to get ahead on the updates.