BILT Elements


Employers report they are more likely to hire graduates from programs for which they have curricular leadership responsibility.

Employers report they will assume this role (and more) if:

  • Their time is respected;
  • There is a method for ensuring their input is consistently and seriously considered by faculty members;
  • They consistently receive feedback on their recommendations.

BILT Roots

  • National Science Foundation (NSF) Center of Excellence in Convergence Technology
    • Based at Collin College (TX) [2012 - 2023] with Regional Center prior to the national
  • Established BILT model through work with business leaders from across the nation to determine the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities that "workforce ready" graduates will need
  • Model implemented at more than 100 colleges and projects in multiple disciplines
  • US  DOL and ED recognize BILT as leading model for strategic employer engagement
  • Pathways to Innovation NSF project was launched BILT Academy to scale the model

The Ideal BILT

  1. CO-LEADS the program – more input means greater sense of ownership.
  2. IDENTIFIES entry-level KSAs and helps steer curriculum to their needs.
  3. SHARES sector trends and forecasts labor market demand.
  4. DEVELOPS invested relationships with colleges preparing their future employees.
  5. HELPS deliver “workforce-ready” graduates.

The BILT Meeting Cycle

  • Building and maintaining a thriving BILT is a high-touch activity with frequent two-way communication.
  • Know your BILT members "WIIFM" - what's in it for me?
  • Emphasis on growing pipeline of right-skilled job candidates. 
  • Annual KSA analysis meeting (initial and annually, single 2-2.5 hour meeting).
  • Industry Trends/Feedback meetings are held 2-3 times per year via web-meeting software to get ahead on the updates.