Exam 3 Instructions
Welcome to Exam 3! :)
Notes, books, other people, and internet searching are NOT allowed.
All activity is monitored using the Honorlock software.
80 Questions; 240 Minutes
(This is a lot of extra time just to assure you have enough time and don't have to stress about it.)
WARNING: YOU ONLY GET 1 ATTEMPT, and ONCE YOU START THE EXAM THAT IS IT, so do not start the exam until you are ready.
Ok done with the mean ole' stuff and on to the fun! Stand up and Power Pose for at least 30 seconds!!!!! :)
YOU, YES YOU :) , ARE GOING TO ROCK THIS TEST!!! Breathe . . . and smile.
Remember, if you work hard, care, and try your best you will be ok in this class. This test does not say anything about your overall intelligence or worth as a person. So don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just stay calm, do your best, and complete the test. It'll be ok. Believe in yourself.
Hey! While y'all are at it, let's see can anyone get a perfect score?!?! :) You up for the challenge??? :) Here we go!
(Remember Honorlock support is available via their chat feature 24/7. If you have an issue with the software, first see if they can help. They are the pros when it comes to that. If they are unable to help, give me a shout and I'll see what I can do.)